Friday, April 6, 2007

Swinging at the Pla-Mor

Jenny in the birthday jam Venche helps out with the intro lesson

Left: Jenny dances during the birthday jam
Right: Venche helps out during the East Coast lesson

Here's a switch: swing dancing in Lincoln! Last night, some friends of mine came down from Omaha and we all went dancing at the Pla-Mor Ballroom, for their monthly swing night. It was a great time. We went out for dinner at King Kong before the dance and stuffed ourselves with hamburgers and gyros. Then we were able to take a couple lessons during the night at the Pla-Mor. During the first we went through the basics of east coast, which included some rather strange moves I hadn't learned at the Omaha Jitterbugs before, like the "grinder" and some side kicks. For the second lesson, we all did some line-dancing, which was especially fun when we did it in a group to some disco tunes. The whole evening was especially fun just to have a change of pace from our usual dance at the Eagles Lodge. The music they played was very different, most of it newer songs and neo-swing rather than the original swing-era songs we get in Omaha. The songs were much faster, too, which left some of us (namely me) sweaty and guzzling water all night long.

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