Sunday, June 17, 2007

Welcome back Viv, and Happy Father's Day

Dear Blog,

How have you been? I hope you've been well. Did you have a good week? I've had a good weekend here in Nebraska. Vivian came back early from her trip out west, and it was so good to see her again. They both took loads of pictures on their trip and I'm hoping we can get them on Flickr or Photobucket soon and share them with you.

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To welcome Viv back home, we headed down to her best friend Eric's house to eat chicken and roast some marshmallows with some of our friends. Ben kept falling over in his chair because the ground was still so soft from all our recent rains.

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On Sunday, Viv and I went to church together and then stopped by Lindy in the park, which was sadly very uneventful since most of the Jitterbugs were likely off celebrating Father's Day. Speaking of which, afterwards Viv and I went by her parents' house in Bellevue for dinner. Her dad grilled some delicious pork ribs, and Viv and I got to schuck some corn together for dinner. Afterwards, Viv got to cream the three of us at Skipbo and then we looked through some of the photos she took on her trip.

It was a great weekend overall, Blog. I wish you could have been there. Take care of yourself, and we'll see you again soon.



Viv said...

LOL! LOL! That's jut too funny. You're writting sounds really familiar.

Unknown said...

i thought you went insane(r), i had to have this 'splained to me.

now i know you are insane(r).