Monday, January 18, 2010

Cold days, warm houses


Greetings from the arctic midwest! Winter came in like a lion this year, and after a couple weeks of blizzards, sub-zero temperatures, and freezing drizzle, I would say we're due for one heck of a "lamb" this spring. In the meantime, Vivian and I are still finding time to dance. We danced downstairs for a change of pace a couple weeks ago, but it was so cold outside that the crowd was small and the dance ended early.


The cold weather and weeks without sunshines made it seem like the perfect time to host our first housewarming party. On Saturday, Vivian and I had a couple dozen people over to our new house in Bellevue to celebrate our recent real estate purchase by gorging on loads of hors d'ouerves! Eric brought a game of Things that I completely missed out on while minging upstairs, and a couple people brought bottles of wine that were unfortunately unable to open (where did we put that bottle opener?) We also got the fireplace working, giving Vivian the chance to satisfy her pyromaniac urge while making our chilly basement just a little more cozy.

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