Sunday, December 16, 2007

Countdown to Christmas

You can feel the excitement building in the year as we get ever closer to Christmas this year. On Thursday, Vivian and I went to the Westside Church Christmas Pageant. It was an elaborate production titled "I'll be home with Bells on," spanning three seperate stages in their giant auditorium, featuring singing, dancing, and even live camels, sheep, and goats that paraded through the aisles during a few of the numbers. It was the biggest Christmas show I'd ever seen before.

On Friday, Vivian and I took a massage class together at Metro's south campus. Vivian took a few classes there years ago and was spellbound at all the construction of a huge new addition joining the original two buildings together.

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On Saturday, Vivian went to a party for her girls' bible study, leaving me to fend for myself during the day. I retreated down to the local Crane's Coffee show to finish up some work and then retreated to the Mall of the Bluffs for another session of Lindy in the Mall. That was a good time, as always. That evening, Viv and I went to a party in the cute little town of Blair thrown by her old bible study friends, Dennis and Kara.

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On Sunday, Vivian and I went to church together and then went to see It's a Wonderful Life at the Durham Western Heritage Museum, and then spent some time touring the museum afterward, checking out the exhibits of historic buildings in Omaha and model rooms from decades ago to show what typical life was like throughout the years in the last century or two.

We have one more week together before Christmas, and then it's off home to North Carolina to visit my parents for a week.

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