Sunday, May 2, 2010

Burgers, Bathrooms, and Renaissance Fairs

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It was another eventful weekend in Omaha, and Vivian and I got to enjoy some of the gorgeous spring weather we've been blessed with. Our weekend started off with a burger grilling contest at Tamra and Andy's house. We competed against them both, along with Tamra's brother Michael and their mutual friend Avery, in coming up with the best burger recipe. Vivian and I took only fourth place with our Bay Burgers made with basil and minced garlic, while Tamra took first with her burger made with "special sauce." It was a good time even if we didn't win, and we got to stuff ourselves with plenty of juicy ground beef all around. (I personally liked Michael's Danger Ranger Special the best.)

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On Saturday, I got to attend my very first Renaissance Fair. I'd heard of these things before, mostly from my geeky friends, and had wanted to attend one for quite some time. The event was held at the Bellevue Berry Farm, which seemed like a Western-themed version of Vala's Pumpkin Patch, at least when it isn't dressed up with Medieval Festivities. Vivian and I got to see a joust, some dancers playing with fire, and sword-fighting demonstrations from both pirates and ninjas. We also got to tour some of the more education booths, where we could try on chain mail and churn butter. We also got to have a turkey leg and some homemade root beer for lunch, a swell as browse through a large selection of swords. Topping the day off was a performance by 88 Improv, who were hilarious, as usual.

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On Sunday, we took over a Cici's Pizza restaurant with our friends from bible study, and then dropped by Lowe's to buy some things to remodel our upstairs bathroom.

Our friend Dennis gracious volunteered to spend Monday with me tearing it apart and cutting out the 35-year-old plumbing so we could install some new fittings, specifically a shower head for a bathtub that lacked one. We both owe Dennis one of the biggest Ones that has ever been owed, as he did pretty much everything while I mostly watched and handed him tools as needed. After three or four trips to the hardware store (and much soldering), we had a fully functional shower where once had only been a leaky faucet. Awesome job, Dennis!

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